the first year behind me.
Gosh, at the end of the day three years is not much time to write a thesis. Of course, one can take more time, but three years is a good target… after all if I believe that my thesis has the potential to be a valid answer to the ecological crisis, which is becoming more and more urgent, and if I believe that this answer has a political significance, then I have to write it in the shortest possible time!
In fact, I didn’t start the thesis until after Christmas, because I only had the chance to leave England and to come to Provence in October, and the administrative and housing process had also taken quite some time. And with my choice to write the thesis in French my writing has necessarily taken more time at the start – one has to always give space for learning.
Here its “la rentrée” and a gentle autumn wind has begun to blow, even if this glimpse in my mind is purely imaginative – it’s warmer here in Provence even than a midsummer day in Lancaster! And this year seems decisive. I have written the first draft of the introductory chapter, and the aim this year is to complete a first full draft of the thesis. It’s a huge challenge! It’s good then for me to remember the overall challenge of my project.
In that vein my thoughts return to the story of my adventure with a group of activists in Lancaster when we cycled to Paris in 2015 to protest at the COP21 summit.
Here is the the documentary film I made of that trip.
“We are entering an unprecedented multidimensional crisis, it is reef we are begining to founder upon.”